Contact Us

Company details

Annia Attorneys Ltd
Business ID: 2641177-2
VAT ID: FI 26411772
Home municipality: Hämeenlinna

Contact form

Fill out the contact form, and we will get in touch with you promptly. We will keep your information safe.

Our offices

Our offices are located in Hämeenlinna, Riihimäki and Forssa, you can find details below.


Kaivokatu 1 Paasiaukio
13100 Hämeenlinna
Open Mon-Fri 9:00 – 17:00

Our office is located between Goodman Shopping Center and Tavastila Shopping Center. The shopping centers’ parking garages offer free parking with a parking disc.

Right next to our office on Kaivokatu, there is also a 30-minute short-term parking if you are just visiting our office. Our office is at street level and is easily accessible. Please ring the doorbell upon arrival.


Hämeenaukio 1
11100 Riihimäki
Open Wed 9:00 – 16:00, other days on request

Our office in Riihimäki is centrally located in Hämeenaukio, in the heart of Riihimäki. You can find the office in the Teatterihotelli Riihimäki building, on the Koivistonkatu side, at the end of the building.

There are free parking spaces available with a parking disc at Hämeenaukio and along Koivistonkatu. Our office is on the ground floor, and there are no stairs at the entrance.


Kartanonkatu 4, 2. kerros
30100 Forssa
Open Mon 9:00 – 16:00, other days on request

You can find our office on the second floor of the building. The lower entrance is located in the courtyard and has our logo, and at the top of the stairs, you will find the door to our office.

The lower entrance is usually open from 8 am to 4 pm. Please ring the doorbell at the upper entrance. There is free parking space with a parking disc available on the street and on the side of the building.


Electronic Invoicing (E-invoice)

Asianajotoimisto Annia Oy
Kaivokatu 1 Paasiaukio
13100 Hämeenlinna

EDI code: 003726411772
Intermediary code: DABAFIHH
Operator: Maventa

E-invoicing address directory

Electronic Invoicing (PDF)

Asianajotoimisto Annia Oy
P.O. Box 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Invoices should be sent as email attachments in PDF format (Max. 5MB/file) to the address:

If the invoice includes attachment pages, they should be in the same file as the actual invoice.

Paper Invoices

Asianajotoimisto Annia Oy
Kaivokatu 1 Paasiaukio
13100 Hämeenlinna

Company Information

Asianajotoimisto Annia Oy
Business ID: 2641177-2
VAT ID: FI 26411772
Registered in: Hämeenlinna

Billing Contact Person

Asianajotoimisto Annia Oy Liability Insurance

LähiTapiola Loimi-Häme Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö
Aleksis Kiven Katu 7
32200 Loimaa
p. 03 5694 0100
Business ID: 0134859-4